
This project was the conclusion to a course in innovative weaving, which was an introduction to complex weave structures involving multiple warp and weft yarn. We explored structures such as double cloth, backed fabric, supplementary weave, pique, multiple weft tapestry and terry weaving.

The brief of this project was to develop an industrially viable furnishing fabric using a complex weave structure. I was inspired by Le Corbusier’s experiments in India and the facades of his existing buildings. From this I developed a composition to guide me through this journey. After exploring several surfaces, I froze upon one with multiple levels. On refining it was found that the best way to achieve this surface was by using the double cloth technique. I incorporated a pop-color block into my artwork, just as Corbusier has done in the Chandigarh High Court building.

From there was a journey of refining on the loom as per the constraints of the technique, while maintaining the strength and quality of this industrially produceable fabric. The final surface was hence created on a 18”x 18” fabric on the actual scale of the artwork.
The Inspiration
Le Corbusier's work in India.
The Selected Artwork
The Final Repeat
The Final Surface
Woven Sample and Mapped Usage


Advanced Weaving Project
